CSS Werx, LLC. (CSS Werx) was developed to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) a fully customized contractual oversight and quality control representative to fit the requirements of true innovative technology development. CSS Werx Key Technology Areas include:
We provide the Government with innovative technology solutions through experienced leadership, diverse industry partners, and a breadth of knowledge and experience in key technology areas. The Consortium provides a low-risk, low-cost solution for both the Government and consortium members.
CSS Werx and its leadership’s founding mission is to foster industry and Government interaction while enabling external innovative technology insertion in support of national security. To this end, we encourage a diverse membership of qualified organizations capable of supporting the emerging technical needs of the Government in support of the warfighter.
Other Transaction Agreements (OTA) are purchasing vehicles used by the Federal Government to acquire research and development (R&D) prototyping. Congress developed the use of OTAs in order to obtain R&D from entities that would not normally engage in the complexity of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).
OTA Consortiums have developed over the past decade to provide multiple-entity management and administrative functions under a single entity. This assists non-traditional and first-time contractors to participate in OTAs through the structure of more experienced contractors. OTAs encourage non-traditional contractors such as small businesses, not for profits, and academic and research institutions to collaborate in a more flexible, streamlined environment than traditional contract vehicles offer.
OTA Consortiums provide a collaborative environment for non-traditional contractors without the constraints of the FAR and laws that apply to Federal Government contracts. These consortiums are designed to reduce barriers for non-traditional contractors which creates both teaming flexibility and government accessibility to innovative technologies.